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Cyber Security

Detect, respond and manage security incidents effectively by building a solid strategy and transforming your security programme.

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Stay ahead of cybercriminals and innovate without introducing risk

In this time and age, news of cyberattacks has inundated us. Companies from all types of industries are finding themselves victims of hacking threats and security breaches. Technology is constantly evolving and this evolution is bringing about more advanced intrusion methods. Since threats evolve so must the testing procedures, detection solutions, and defensive and responsive cybersecurity measures.

Thus, security testing shouldn’t be a one-time task, but an exercise which must be carried out regularly, especially when you transform your IT frameworks, install new software or when you relocate your offices.

Servers, networks and applications must be routinely tested to ensure the current cybersecurity measures are strong enough to combat any malicious software which may attempt to breach your servers. At PTL, we can help you develop a strong security strategy in an endeavour to reduce risks as much as possible.

Fighting Cyberattacks using Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration testing

Updating passwords and firewalls every month is not enough to keep your company safe. Cybersecurity testing needs to be carried out to analyse your security systems, pinpoint flaws and update and renew where necessary. Through vulnerability assessments, we can identify and mitigate potential cybersecurity threats. By carrying out system checks and infrastructural scans, any weaknesses can be tackled instantaneously.

Apart from internal testing mechanisms, external measures would also help in identifying weak spots in your security structures. Penetration testing is one such exercise we carry out at PTL to detect flaws. Also referred to as ‘pentesting’, this is a simulated cyberattack which is commissioned by a company to analyse the security of its IT infrastructure. Its function is to unearth any vulnerabilities or misconfigurations which can be targeted by hackers and through which data can be exploited. Described as ‘ethical hacking’, it is an authorised external intrusion on a company’s APIs, frontend and backend servers, with the underlying aim to boost cybersecurity mechanisms and make them less susceptible to a cyberattack.

Penetration testing can determine the level of damage a breach would impinge on the company, the type and volume of data which can be stolen and the access restrictions which can be hurdled. It can also indicate the time it would take for the attack to be intercepted, and to be completely erased from the system.

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Threat Hunting: Diminish Cyberattack Risks Now

Threat hunting is the practice of proactively being on the look-out for any cyber threats concealed in your network. At PTL, we’ll supply you with platforms which can be integrated with your infrastructure to carry out routine searches :

  • UBA (User Behaviour Analytics): identifies irregular activities
  • IGI (Identity Governance and Intelligence): discontinues abnormal accounts
  • IBM QRadar: detects threats as early as possible by analysing internal systems
  • IBM i2 Enterprise Insight Analysis: assesses vulnerabilities by inspecting internal and external data, using both human and machine-based analytics.

Developing an Effective Incident Response Plan

Regardless of the robustness of your security solutions, your IT infrastructure can still be susceptible to an unprecedented cyberattack. At PTL, we can help you develop incident response services in case of such breaches. Apart from preventive solutions, we’re putting more emphasis on detection solutions. Our certified employees will help you produce a clearly-defined incident response plan which is comprehensive, will assist in the establishment of proper communication channels and will make sure the plan is apprehended by all employees.

How will your company benefit from Cybersecurity testing